Med Pay is a Valuable Add-on to Any Auto Policy

Med Pay is a great little benefit that is a good idea to be added to your auto insurance policy. Med Pay is usually available in lower sums, like $1000, $5000, etc., regardless of who’s at fault in an accident. Med Pay can be used to pay for you and your passengers’ health insurance related costs like: ambulance costs, your health insurance deductible, your share of your co-insurance, your co-pay, even dental bills and more.

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Med Pay Follows YOU Not Your Car

Each member on your auto insurance policy has access to your selected Med Pay amount. Meaning, if you added $2000 Med Pay to your policy, and everyone in your car gets a little beat up in a car accident, you each have $2000 to help pay the urgent care, ER for stitches, or whatever medical bills you have. Even if you are the driver and are at fault. Some insurance companies only offer “excess med-pay” which is not as good as having “Med Pay” because it only pays for bills that your health insurance company doesn’t pay for.

Med Pay can be used if your foot gets run over by a car as you cross the street, and the other driver takes off. It can be used if you are in someone else’s car and you get hurt and need to see a doctor, or even if you are riding in a public bus. Med Pay follows YOU, not your car.

Med Pay can pay your medical bills in the event you are hurt, and the other “at-fault” driver’s insurance is taking forever to get your settlement paid. Your Med Pay can pay for these smaller medical bills while the battle between your insurance companies are being hammered out. In Nevada, if your insurance pays the Med Pay, and you win a settlement, your insurance company cannot make you pay back the Med Pay amount you received (but there are exceptions).

Quote and or Enroll

If you have medical insurance, it’s not a bad idea to use your health insurance plan to pay for your medical bills, because they have already negotiated with medical providers and hospitals a discounted “network” rate. This will eventually help you keep more of your settlement. But…the health insurance company will probably have the right to get money from your settlement, to get paid back, what they actually paid in your medical bills. This is called “subrogation”. Subrogation in this case makes it fair to your health insurance company for them to get paid back what they paid out on an auto accident. But only what they actually paid out.


Getting Coverage With Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Navigating through the many options of insurance can be confusing and chaotic, but speaking with a locally licensed insurance agent will help you to obtain the right coverage you need. You’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you are adequately insured when life complications arise. We work hard to find the most competitive quotes for your needs. Contact us today to begin the process of finding the best insurance plan for your family.

Health Insurance Requirements For Small Businesses

Health Insurance Requirements For Small Businesses

On the employer’s end, providing health insurance can be costly and complicated. However, it can also be a reliable way to bring in new hires, improve productivity and boost morale and job satisfaction. Small businesses that want to provide this benefit have options that let them do so affordably.

What is Co-Insurance?

What is Co-Insurance?

Co-insurance means two parties will be paying for the bill. “Co” means joint, mutual, two, or more. The health insurance company will usually pay the larger amount (example 70%) and you as the member will usually pay the lesser amount (example 30%). This would be considered co-insurance 70/30. This (co-insurance) usually happens AFTER the deductible is met.

Is Health Insurance Worth The Cost?

Is Health Insurance Worth The Cost?

If you experience a more extensive medical emergency and require hospitalization, hospital bills may quickly become a burden. A three-day stay, for example, could set you back about $60,000 depending on what tests are ordered and what happens during your stay.

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