Nevada Has Special Rules for Older Drivers

As is the case in most states, Nevada has a set of rules for older drivers to ensure their safety and the safety of everyone they share the road with. Age-related factors such as decreased hearing and vision, cognitive decline, slower reaction times, increasingly limited motor skills and certain medications can take a toll on how safe an individual is when they’re operating a vehicle. Studies have shown that advancing age is associated with higher fatal crash rates.

To help minimize the risk, Nevada enforces laws to help seniors limit how long they spend driving a vehicle.

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Renewing a Drivers License

Once a Nevada resident turns 65 years old, the state requires them to renew their license every four years rather than every eight years. Some drivers may receive a full-page application with their renewal notice. If that is the case, they may renew their license by fax or mail. If they receive a renewal notice without an application, they must visit their local DMV in person.

When an older adult renews their license, they are required to complete a vision test. The DMV conducts the test for free, but individuals may opt to complete the test with their physician or optometrist within 90 days of the renewal notice. They may be required to complete vision tests more frequently at the discretion of their doctor or the DMV.

Depending on their medical and driving history, older drivers may also have to complete a written and/or road test to demonstrate driving proficiency.

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License Restrictions for Older Drivers

In some cases, seniors may be allowed to renew their licenses, but they may have certain restrictions. For example, they may be required to have modifications made to their vehicle, including a left-foot accelerator or an additional right-side mirror. Some drivers are limited to driving only in daylight, while others may not be permitted to drive on the freeway or roads with speed limits over 45 miles per hour. Depending on their health needs, some drivers may be required to wear telescopic lenses to compensate for longer response times.


Requesting an Unsafe Driver Investigation

Oftentimes, observant friends and family members, law enforcement officers and local and state organizations may notice that an older adult is no longer able to safely operate a vehicle. In this case, they can alert the DMV that further investigation into the individual’s driving ability may be necessary. Law enforcement officers or those working for local agencies can submit a Request for Re-Examination, and friends and family can submit a Request for Re-Evaluation, along with an affidavit from a doctor confirming the need for re-evaluation.


Finding Auto Insurance for Seniors with Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Because seniors typically have different driving habits than younger drivers, their auto insurance needs differ. At Nevada Insurance Enrollment, our licensed auto insurance agents work with older drivers to help them find the right policy for their needs and budgets.

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Why Did My Auto Insurance Company Check My Credit?

Auto insurance companies use advanced algorithms that take into account numerous factors when determining your monthly auto insurance premium. One seemingly unrelated factor is your credit history.

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In a Car Accident; Do I Need to Call the Police?

An accident can leave your head spinning, no matter how minor it is. The actions that you take in the moments following a collision are important for ensuring that the situation is resolved as quickly and as soon as possible. In some cases, filing a police report is an essential part of settling a claim, especially if you or the other driver will be seeking compensation for damage to a vehicle.

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What Happens If You Forget To Pay Your Premium By The Due Date?

Life happens, and while you should make every effort to pay your health insurance premium on time, health insurance plans generally will have grace periods. You may have a grace period of 30 days, or if your insurance plan is through Nevada Health Link (on-exchange), it may be up to 90 days.

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