When determining your rate, your auto insurance company looks at the claims history within your region. Some geographic regions have a higher volume of claims than others, even within the same city.
Adequate auto insurance coverage is important. Not only are all Nevada licensed drivers required by law to carry coverage, but in the event of a collision, your policy is what is standing between you and financial devastation. The term “full coverage” is one that often gets tossed around by drivers, but it’s probably not a term you’ll hear from your insurance agent.
Towing and roadside assistance is an auto insurance policy add-on that provides coverage if you get stranded or your car breaks down. This auto insurance coverage helps you handle costs like locksmith services, towing, battery service, gas delivery, and more.
Most drivers who have an auto insurance policy with collision and comprehensive coverage, decent health insurance, and homeowners or renters’ insurance can save their money by foregoing additional rental coverage.
This also applies to damage that occurs after the accident. While you may consider the damage from the accident and the damage from the tow truck to be all one incident, your insurer will view it differently.
If your friend was hit by an insured driver, the process will be simple enough. The at-fault driver will file a claim with their insurance company, who will pay to get your vehicle back to pre-accident condition. If the collision was bad enough to cause an injury, the at-fault driver’s auto insurance could also cover medical bills, lost wages and any other expenses associated with the accident.
Generally speaking, anyone who lives with you that has a drivers license – whether they’re a member of your family or not – is considered by your insurer to be a member of your household. College students away from home without a vehicle aren’t required to be on a policy, and could be a “permissive” driver.
One thing that many people are surprised to see impact their insurance premium, is their marital status. Generally speaking, married people spend less than singletons on their auto insurance, even when all other factors are the same. Simply put, married couples pay less.
Liability coverage helps cover the costs of any bodily injuries or property damage that results from a collision that you caused (when you are at fault). This type of insurance exclusively covers the damages done to the driver that you hit; it does not cover any repairs to your own vehicle, nor can it be used for your own medical bills or lost wages.