Qualified Health Insurance
All major medical plans that will be sold from 1/1/2014 and on that sell on or off the “Exchange” (Marketplace) and the “SHOP Exchange” or in the private marketplace must comply with all the rules and regulations in order to be a “Qualified Health Plan”. All health insurance plans for families and individuals MUST cover these 10 items called “Essential Health Benefits.” These 10 benefits must be covered without any lifetime or annual limits on the “Essential Health Benefits.”
From 1/1/2014 and beyond, all new health plans (insured small group and individual health insurance plans) must cover the 10 bulleted benefits below. These are the plans you’ll want to have in order to cover pre-existing conditions, maternity, prescriptions, and much more. They are “qualified health plans”. These “Essential Health Benefits” will be covered.
- Ambulatory patient services (clinics, doctors office, same-day surgery centers, etc.)
- Emergency services
- Hospitalization
- Maternity and newborn care
- Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
- Prescription drugs
- Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
- Laboratory services
- Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
- Pediatric services
Dental for “Pediatrics” means anyone under the age of 19. Check the plan “Summary of Benefits” to see if a dental plan for children under the age of 19 is already built into the plan. ON Exchange pediatric dental is offered for purchase separately, OFF Exchange there may be a plan built into the health plan or not. You’ll need to look at the “Summary of Benefits” in your plan.
Vision for children under the age of 19 is covered, 1 visit per year, 1 pair of glasses per year are covered. The pediatric vision has to be covered ON and OFF of the exchange.
Your insurance company must also allow members to request to have a drug covered that they need that the insurance company does not cover.
State or Federal Health Insurance Plans such as Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Tricare, CHIP etc., or part of an Employer Group that provides benefits, or are “Grandfathered,” are all considered Qualified Health Plans.