Ambulance Rides in an Emergency

Short answer is maybe. If you have a “qualified health plan (QHP)” the answer is yes. A QHP is an insurance plan that is certified by Nevada Health Link in Nevada that covers “10 essential health care benefits” including ambulance rides. You, the customer, would pay possibly a deductible, a co-payment, or co-insurance for your ambulance trip.

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Are Ambulance Rides Covered By Health Insurance?

Also, Employer Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Tricare, and others will cover emergency transportation ambulance trips. If you have one of these types of plans, you are guaranteed coverage. Most private health insurance plans also pay for emergency medical transportation but understanding your coverage may require a little research.

If your “health insurance” policy is not a true health insurance policy but is something else like a “health coverage plan”, an indemnity policy, a “discount” plan, a healthcare sharing ministry plan, or others, you’d have to look at what benefits you may have. There may or may not be any benefit for ambulance coverage. These plans are not required to cover emergency transportation. Also, check the benefits of your short-term health insurance policy for the details of coverage.

Additionally, just as your health insurance plan has in-network hospitals and doctors, it also has in-network ambulance operators/companies. If you were taken to the hospital by an ambulance outside of your plan’s network, you may be financially responsible for some or all of the bill.

If your health insurance has deductibles, co-insurance or co-pays to pay first and your ambulance trip is related to an auto accident, your auto insurance policy should provide this coverage. Also, if you have “med pay” on your auto policy, or “uninsured motorist” or if it’s the other person’s fault, the auto policy may help cover these costs.

Talking to an insurance agent can help you understand your health and auto insurance policies and the level of coverage you have for ambulance services.

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How Much Does an Ambulance Ride Cost without Health Insurance?

If you do not have health or auto insurance coverage for the ambulance ride, you are responsible for paying the entire bill out of pocket. Depending on the details of your trip, your final bill may be up to several thousand dollars. Factors that influence the bill include:

  • Local ambulance ride costs
  • How far the ambulance had to travel
  • Whether you received medical care or medications during transport​
  • The type of emergency vehicle; if you had to be transported by an air ambulance, your bill will likely be thousands of dollars higher than if you were transported by ground


Finding Comprehensive Health Insurance Coverage with Nevada Insurance Enrollment

At Nevada Insurance Enrollment, our health insurance agents assist you in understanding your policy to determine its coverage for emergency medical transportation, which may help you avoid surprise bills in the future. To get help with understanding your existing coverage or to get one-on-one professional assistance with finding the right plan for your needs and budget, contact one of our health insurance agents today.

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