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Where To Go: Emergency Room or Urgent Care?

by | Nov 6, 2023 | Health Insurance

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Know Where to Obtain Fast Medical Help

Does the facility you are visiting say “URGENT CARE” or “EMERGENCY”?

Pay attention to this because it matters!

Your primary care doctor is the best place to start when you are sick or hurt. They know you and your health history, including any underlying or preexisting conditions you may have. If you have not established a primary doctor, a good reason to do so is so that you will have a medical professional that does know your health history, including underlying and preexisting conditions. But what if you get sick or injured on the weekend or late at night when your doctor’s office is closed?

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Is The Injury Urgent or Life Threatening?

If your condition is not life-threatening, but needs to be taken care of right away, then urgent care may be the right choice for you. Many urgent care centers are open after normal business hours, including evenings and weekends. Emergency rooms are normally open 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and are the best place for treating severe and life-threatening conditions.


Choosing Between Urgent Care and the Emergency Room

There are distinct differences between hospital emergency rooms and traditional urgent care centers, including the level of care that can be provided at each location.

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What is Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

What is Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

Adequate auto insurance coverage is important. Not only are all Nevada licensed drivers required by law to carry coverage, but in the event of a collision, your policy is what is standing between you and financial devastation. The term “full coverage” is one that often gets tossed around by drivers, but it’s probably not a term you’ll hear from your insurance agent.

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Towing and roadside assistance is an auto insurance policy add-on that provides coverage if you get stranded or your car breaks down. This auto insurance coverage helps you handle costs like locksmith services, towing, battery service, gas delivery, and more.

When to Go to Urgent Care

Urgent care centers can handle a variety of medical problems that need to be treated but are not considered true life threatening emergencies. They fill a vital gap when you become sick or injured and your regular doctor is not available, or you cannot wait for an appointment.

Urgent care clinics are convenient options because some of them may be open seven days per week and have relatively short wait times. They are also an affordable option, usually costing considerably less than the emergency room.

Many urgent care clinics are equipped with X-ray machines and labs to assess conditions such as fractures and infections. They are staffed with doctors who can provide a diagnosis, treat your condition, and prescribe medication.

As the demand for affordable, flexible healthcare options increases, it has become easier to obtain prompt medical care. Some urgent care clinics are freestanding while others are located within hospitals and medical centers. Many pharmacies now have retail health clinics that provide in-person and virtual visits, however many are considered “convenient care” as opposed to urgent care. Convenient care are geared more towards common colds, flu’s, physical’s, etc., whereas urgent cares are generally for a higher level of urgent care.


When to Go to the Emergency Room

Hospital emergency departments provide medical care generally 24/7, but unlike urgent care centers, they are also equipped for critical care life saving situations.

If you are facing a life-threatening emergency, skip the visit to the urgent care clinic; they are not equipped to provide the care needed and will either send you to the emergency room or call 9-1-1 for you. In a true emergency, this delay can have a profound effect on the outcome.

Go to the emergency room if you experience symptoms or situations such as:

  • Changes in vision
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Coughing or vomiting blood
  • Severe trauma, particularly trauma to the head
  • Symptoms of heart attack such as chest pain or pressure or clammy skin
  • Severe bleeding or bleeding that does not stop after applying pressure for about five minutes
  • Symptoms of stroke such as sudden weakness in the facial muscles or an arm or leg and difficulty speaking or understanding speech

Again, does the facility you are visiting say “URGENT CARE” or “EMERGENCY”?

Pay attention to the signs!


When to Stay Home

Even when you are feeling under the weather, a visit with a doctor is not always helpful. If your symptoms are mild, such as a low-grade fever (for adults, that is below 102.2 degrees) or aches and pains, an over-the-counter pain reliever, plenty of fluids and rest is probably all that is necessary. However, you should follow your own intuition.

If your symptoms worsen or do not resolve in a day or two, it may be time to schedule a visit with your primary care provider. An increasing number of doctors now offer virtual visits, and many health insurance plans cover these visits to the same extent as in-person visits. This makes it easy for your doctor to assess your condition without requiring you to leave your house.


Paying for Medical Care

Depending on your health insurance plan, a visit to urgent care may have the same copay or coinsurance as an in-office visit with your regular doctor. With some health insurance plans, you have higher cost-sharing responsibilities with urgent care, but this option is still affordable compared to the emergency room.
If you have an HMO plan, you are generally only covered when you visit healthcare providers in your plan’s network. However, in a true emergency, your health insurance covers care you receive from any provider, even if they are outside of your plan’s network.


Getting Insured with Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Navigating through the many options of health insurance can be confusing and chaotic, but speaking with a locally licensed health insurance agent will help you obtain the right coverage you need. You will have peace of mind knowing that you are adequately insured when life complications arise. We work hard to find the most competitive quotes for your needs. Contact us today to begin the process of finding the best insurance plan for your family.

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(702) 898-0554

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