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Video | Health Insurance Explained

by | Nov 1, 2014 | Health Insurance

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Each year, you can only buy Health Insurance during “Open Enrollment“, which is November 1st through January 15th.

With Open Enrollment for Individual and Family Health Insurance coming again in November, we wanted to share another educational (but entertaining) video.

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Nevada Insurance Enrollment logo - Nevada State outline divided into four colors of dark blue, light blue, orange and yellow

Health Insurance Explained

Another wonderful animated video from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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Safety Tips For Driving In The Rain

In Las Vegas, roads are particularly slick at the beginning of the storm. That is because they are built without a drainage layer. Dust, oil and grime collect on the surface of the road. When it rains and these mix with water, the dirt settles to the bottom and the oil rises to the top, creating a very slick surface.

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Filing An Appeal To A Health Insurance Company

If your health insurance company refuses to cover a claim, you have the right to appeal the decision and have it reviewed by a third party. Your policy should outline how to appeal a denial.

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Does Health Insurance Cover Hair Loss?

If you are experiencing hair loss due to an underlying medical condition, then there is a good chance that your health insurance will cover treatment for the condition, either completely or at least a portion of the cost. To be sure, you’ll want to check your “Agreement of Coverage” document.

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